Learn & Grow/Community Life/Managing the Emotions of a Senior Living Move
Community Life, Independent Living

Managing the Emotions of a Senior Living Move

Oftentimes the reality of moving into a retirement community like Village on the Green doesn’t fully set in until you start packing things up ahead of your move-in date. Just like any other major life event, the move to senior living can be an emotional experience. It’s important to take a step back and assess how you’re feeling throughout the moving process to manage stress.

Give Yourself Plenty of Time to Downsize

Finding a senior living community you feel confident about moving into takes time. So does going through your belongings in preparation for a move and staging your house for sale. You will more than likely have to downsize some of what you own ahead of the move to your new home.

Prioritize One Room at a Time

Sorting through everything you own is overwhelming. That’s why experts recommend taking the room-by-room approach. Start with out-of-the-way places like small closets, a spare bedroom or the basement. Then work your way into the kitchen, dining room, living room and elsewhere.

Keep an Organized List of Belongings

We recommend purchasing a notebook or binder dedicated to keeping track of all of your notes and checklists related to your move. Keep track of things like moving dates and milestones, estimates and receipts, important contact information and a list of essential items to move.

Don’t Be Afraid to Get Rid of Things

Have you ever finished a move and wish you’d taken less stuff with you? It’s possible you’re a downsizing expert, but the reality is that most of us aren’t very good about paring down our belongings. Start the process early and revisit your list from time-to-time to see if each item is both necessary and feasible to fit into your new space.

Ask Yourself “How Am I Feeling Right Now?”

It’s important to check in from time-to-time and take note of your physical and mental health during the moving process. Do you feel exhausted or dehydrated? Maybe it’s time for a break. Or maybe going through some of your belongings stirred up memories and left you feeling emotionally exhausted. There’s no shame in taking a break for your mind, as well as your body. Give yourself the time you need to process your move and the wave of emotions that this sort of major life event can bring.

Never attempt to push through physical pain or suppress your emotions. Moments of happiness or melancholy — and everything in between — are likely going to occur during the move.

Find Healthy Ways to Manage Stress

You should try and make time for yourself before, during and after the big move. Moving is both physically and emotionally exhausting, especially when you are moving out of a home that you have lived in for many years. You may find you enjoy going through your things, but it still requires a lot of energy. Work in plenty of breaks.

Get outdoors and go for a walk every so often or make time for your favorite activities. Try not to overdo it on alcohol and stick to eating balanced meals. When taking a break is not possible, consider using your senses for quick stress relief. Aim to get the amount of sleep that makes you feel best, as going into moving day exhausted will benefit no one.

Don’t Do It All By Yourself

No matter your situation, there’s no shame in asking for help. Consider getting estimates from a few different moving companies and look up reviews online. If you have children, ask them to go through any belongings they may still have at your house and decide what they want to keep.

At Village on the Green, we go a step further and pair each of our incoming residents with a move-in coordinator who can help facilitate their move. Move-in coordinators can recommend moving companies, connect you with unpacking services, coordinate maintenance visits and offer other solutions to make your life easier as you get adjusted to your new home.

Moving Into Village on the Green

The compassionate, knowledgeable team at Village on the Green will work with you to make your move to independent living as smooth as possible. Additionally, we offer residents numerous opportunities to learn, play and grow. Nestled among 80 acres of secluded serenity, this vibrant community offers all the benefits of nearby Orlando attractions and dining options without the hustle and bustle of the big city.  

Get in touch today to learn more.

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